Full Training (Minimum of 90 Days):
At Dapple Gray Farm the individual needs of each horse are a top priority. Training programs vary from horse to horse depending on their level of training and rider goals
Services Include:
- Training programs are customized to fit the individual needs of each horse.
- Scheduling/Holding of horse for Vet/Farrier as needed
- Lunging work as needed
- Daily turnout or Walker
- Daily grooming and care
- Bandaging/removal of bandages as needed
- Filling up of extra water bucket
- Taking off and putting on fly mask
- Night Check
$700.00 per month
Extra Services:
- Blanketing $100.00/month
- Feeding of supplements & extra food: $30/month
Board Rates
$750.00 Regular Box Stall
$800 Box Stall w/Run
Board includes:
- Alfalfa 2X/per day
- Stall cleaning 2X/per day
- Fly System
- Use of walker, turnouts & arenas
$125.00 (Lesson Horse Provided)
$1,000 Package of 10 Lessons (lesson horse provided)
$100 Haul in lesson (your own horse)
Sales & Leases
10% commission fee will required on all sales and leases
$50 Contract preparation
$125 trial fee of sale horses